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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-07-06

Saturday, July 6, 1991
MCHS Bricks 6 hrs
Got up at 2:00 & worked on rows 21 thru 26 of B panel – then got most of Lower Corridor D (by Print Shop) done before deciding it’s 19 bricks in a row is too many. Will divide it into people & organizations. Quit at 7:30 – bath, breakfast & by then Delmar Brewer was here. Pulled his 12’ wagon into lower woods with tractor & filled it 3 times with down wood. Also trimmed low hanging trees – He reset the walk on middle terrace & sprayed Roundup on walks & terrace. I fished hardy lily out of pond where I put it last winter when the pool was dry. Both the tropical & hardy ones I got this spring are blooming.
Redid Mary’s will on computer. She brot corn out. I fried pork chops & we ate on deck. 94 but a little breeze.
To Doris & John Hickson’s topick up his apple disks that he has entered all collections info on. Lovely home on Van Meter land in Oak Savannah. Interesting collections of Ohiop River glass & paper weights & Lenox birds.
To HH to take plat & clarify records.