Wednesday, May 1, 1991
70 AM – 62 PM 40 night
MCHS 3 hrs
Since Sunday most of trees have leafed out – Oaks are ‘size of squirrel’s ears’ – time top plant corn, but most fields still wet & little planting done. All pink crabapples have dropped petals.
Started out to plant prairie seeds across road but diverted to transplanting ajuga to bank above lower driveway. Bonnie Bell called offering to bring video tape she made for Regents of Ohio State University on the Marion Campus Prairie that features me with Dean Hazard. So I called Mary to come see it too. Bonnie wrote & produced it & it has a great script. Everything about Marion Co. Prairies. She left me all the originals that has more footage of me.
Martha Neville called saying pussy willows have rooted. Took her some snowflake bulbs.
To Marion Genealogy Society to present possibility of going to meet at Heritage Hall & assisting MCHS in research & library. Looks favorable. Mary traded her Honda mower on a Honda hydroStatic.