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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-04-29

Monday, April 29, 1991
62-76 cloudy AM
A day for ME
Gathered blooming flowers & spent morning learning botanical terminology so I could identify violet species, etc. Came up with v. papilonacea, eriocarpa, stricta & restrata – Not sure on white stemless that Opal Clutter gave me. Also reviewed diff in isopeyrum (5 sepals) & rue anemone (8 to 12 sepals) & trillium flexipes identification (white stames). 26 species spring wildflowers blooming – 16 species shrubs blooming.
Long walk thru woods, pulling garlic mustard from every place. Perfect morning. Dug couple of clumps of daffs from Hawthorne wildflower bed (by golden seal) & planted on hill above former fire pit.
Took a nap – wakened by Mary Jordan to make plans to go to Columbus Saturday to Bob & Pat’s Craft Show.
Got my income tax refund check for $2,069 another $1,500 applied to 1991 tax.
TV & Popcorn ‘To sum it up precisely, I lived today – the work has kept quite nicely…’ *
Kathi called from Hanksville, Utah. Had hike 6 miles to see petroglyphs in a canyon – cold! Windy, glad Mary & I didn’t go out to meet them. She got new sony camcorder.

*[Ray Romine Poem ‘Day Off’ written 07/10/1952]