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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-04-05

Friday, April 5, 1991
54-70 Partly sunny
Took Howard to grocery. Fertilized lower & front lawn. 27-10-10.
Got thank you letter off to Tabor Allison for bringing his students out. Addressed the 7 letters to HP Endowment Fund of MCHS informing them that MCHS owes the fund $26,500 – $2,300 pd in Feb – From proceeds from sale of 225 S. Main St. Addressed announcements of Reg II Meeting to 25 people who attended the 1988 meeting.
Swept out garage. Cut off herbs & cleaned up perennial beds.
Meant to sort out clothes to give to Marion Federated Women’s Club Rummage Sale tomorrow, but didn’t get it done.
To Al’s with 2 Marys. Stopped at Miley’s Carpet to order porch rug but still no good green colors. Estimated about $120.
Bought cherry pie for all of us to celebrate Mary’s birthday.
David called to see if next Tuesday’s meeting could be held earlier so he could be here. He has a job at 7:00 with jazz group. Told him no but got his input. Has decided to not borrow,. But let business expand as it can on income. He’s charging $65 an hr. now.