Monday, March 18, 1991
Huber 3
Worked on comparison of sites for library for Exec Committee. Took it to Eula & Helen for their comments.
Wrote obligations for Board’s adoption on the $26,500 from sale of 255 S. Main St. that board vopted (June 1988) to use to reduce mortgage on HH & purchase lots on S. State – But it had previously been voted to HP Endowment Fund. BNut no formal record send to Funds Trustees.
Called David because couldn’t print MCHS labels that Margaret Copttrell needs – thinks it’s in printer exchange box.
Huber Board meeting at HH auditorium. Millis Nye presented report on Race Motors bldg corner Fairgound & Main and concluded it with recopmmendations to [urchase building – I had quite a time heading that off as I felt sure he meant to recommend pursuing purchase. He did! Good to have new board members Harraman – Marian brought about 60 pics of Huber & MSS from family album – great stuff.