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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-02-19

Tuesday, February 19, 1991
42/55 rainy River flooding by evening.
Carla Smith & helper out to finish survey – could establish SW corner (a section corner) – I video taped Carla pointing out the 371’ of my west line which extends from the road past stub of large tree to a spot in Ralph’s meadow. But on the S it cuts off the mouth of Terradise Run – very confusing lines with no directional relevance to road.
Worked on material for Baord meeting. Jack Telfer called to ask about agenda under plan I suggest ed to conform with Functions. But at the meeting he ignored it – passed out reams of paper to support his argument. Ruth Mosher resigned as corresponding secretary.
Got into Marion about 5 but left me purse at home so was frustrated in trying to do anything – buy bread & bananas, deposit Hemmerly’s checkl – Glad I had Howard’s $10 in my pocket so I could buy his 1 doz pens for him.
As always Board meetings left me with my stomach churning & jaws clenched. Tom Wagner brought Judge Myers: He rejected my offer to print his hate letter in Hallmarks.