Monday, February 11, 1991
20/34 sunny
Crew from Publication Dept of ODNR arrived at 10 – giving Royce time to do the living room before they came. They brought station wagon full of equipment to make a video tape. Set up in from of wind – under lights & with remote mike – Ed Hinton did the interviewing – Material will be used on radio – and for a video on “Outdoor Ohio”. They were enthusiastic about Terradise & brought out the reasons it has been named an Ohio Natural Landmark. After the filming we walked down in the woods – Surprised at the scouring action of the many floods this winter. Many wildflower roots exposed. Gave Ed Hinton some tubers for his woods neat Hilliard. They left about 12.
Peg Hendricks called & I gave her update on survey & appraisal – Told her we have decided on revisonary clause as opposed to taking tax deductions.
Finished packets for Exec Committee – Feb 5 minutes, update Function Structure, my reply to Tom Wagner’s attack- and revised letter on library proposal. Took them to HH to put in post boxes. Picked Mary up & we picked up my 2 more Delaware chairs at Rt. 23 Antiques. Took Charlton Myers copies to him at Morral – He misses the meetings.