Tuesday, January 29, 1991
MCHS 10-10 10 hrs (2 hrs out)
Spent most of the day extracting financial info from Norm Fopgt’s reports & cataloging it in categories. Met Jack Telfer at 10 at HH & worked with him until 11:30 – but he doesn’t remember who did what when – no control over workers – He just OK’d all bills & gave them to Norm to pay.
Back home & put all undefined payments into a Who Knows category & will try to apportion them.
Picked Mary Brocklesby up at 5:30 & in to Turoff’s for dinner with her & Mary. To HH at 6:30 & Jim & John from Newspaper project turned in just as I did. Kept busy setting up projector – inspecting collection.
Jack spouted off about the vbaord OKing his plans – OHPO OKing them, So I gave a rebuttal – not very well. Jim & John’s talk well received. Very humorous experience in locating & documenting collections in Ohio – Home about 10:30.