Tuesday, January 22, 1991
MCHS 9-3 6 hrs 20 miles
Cold 15-28
Finished creating labels for Newsletter Hallmarks mailing – Mostly updating the supplemental list.
In at 1:00 to pick up finished Hallmarks at Laippleys, 500 copies. $78 – so with postage the cost will be about $100 to contact about 450 people – not bad.
Mary & John Cottrell came in to help fold & affix labels. Since I ran them in a zip code index it took us less than 2 hrs. Mary & I had supper at Friendly’s before i mailed them about 4:00 PM. They were out of everything we ordered – even cole slaw.
Up to Big Banana for fruits & Nickels for bread. Then home.
Just sat & didn’t go to Men’s Garden Club to hear Killdeer Manager – had heard him at Nature Society.
War news mostly about Iraq’s Scud missiles landing in Israel.