Tuesday, January 15, 1991
Printing Huber Newsletter & Mailing – 10:00-1:00 3 hrs.
EHMA – 20 miles
MCHS 20 miles 4 hrs
In at 10:30 to HH with Huber Newsletter. Ran it on Sharp Copier – Dorothy Young helped fold it. Took it to Fahey Bank to mail. Back home & got the news release ready for Marion Star. Also worked on copy for an Award of Appreciation for Willis Nye in founding the Edward Huber Memorial Association.
Back to HH at 6:30 for called Exec Comm meeting before Board Meeting. Presented to them the idea of creating another function. Transformation – & transferring to it the duties of what is now called the Building and Grounds committee under the operating function. When we were working on committee budgets it became clear to me that the Transformation Fund should not function under the Operations – an entirely different budget.