Wednesday, November 21, 1990
38/65 Partly Sunny
Eula woke me at 8:00 after a sleepless night – only profit from it was a epitaph for Jack – “Stonewall Jack”. That’s what he did to the board. Eula apologized for not speaking up – but “knew it wouldn’t do any good- They were all primed against our plan to save the lobby – Told her it really hurt that no one spoke up to support my stand.
Looked at Norm’s records & studied SBT Manual opn General Ledger. But just couldn’t work on them. Just sat most of the day licking my wounds. Did water all the new plantings & watched Crocodile Dundee on TV.
Mary called on answering machine to tell me Kristi was selected Airman of the Month for Catlle [sic?] Air Force Base. Too down to talk to her.
Helen called to check on me & suggested we should take our cause to the membership.