Monday, October 1, 1990
41-68 sunny
OAHSM 6 ½ 100 miles
TO OAHSM Board Meeting at Dublin Stouffer – Stopped at Augenstein’s Deli in Waldo for a $2.50 roast beef sandwich instead of taking the $12.50 lunch from the hotel!
Since I’m not on any committees this year it seems a waste of time for me to attend. I sat in on Reg affairs & awards. Good to see jane Truckis & Barbara Shephard. Meeting Friday night with Barb $59 – Staff toured us thru facilities we will use for meeting on Nov. 2 & 3.
On way home stopped at Wilson’s & bought 5 pumpkins for $7 – stopped at Turner’s fruit farm & picked 1 qt red raspberries $3.00 – Stopped at Augensteins again & got cheese & slaw for supper.