Tuesday, September 4, 1990
MCHS 3 hrs +1 = 4
Finished steps & got timbers in for rest of brick walk.
Matt & Rich working on timber steps. I suggested the landing be brick to tie together the change from brick to timber. When Matt came by he agreed. Planted creeping babys’ breath & the rest of the rescued impatiens. Watered everything. Suggested to Matt that he use 2×4’s that were along original walks to make railing for new steps. He agreed.
Worked on reports of Brick Purchases. Entered location in data base. Filled out form for Natural Landmark Status.
Picked Helen Kaufman up at 6:15. To Charlton Myers barn party- been doing this since 1971 – but I’ve only been invited for about the last 10 years. Barn in A-1 shape & full of antiques including 247 chairs. Talked to Larry Adams about Dave’s infor on HUD houses. He says they are available – contact his congressman’s office. Also said he would contact Marie English soon about her estate – setting up a museum in Charles Baker house.
Just as we started to sing Dick West said he had a call & we needed to go to HH. Need 3 more rows of bricks (15) to finish Panel B. So I left party party (Fogt’s to take Helen home) & sorted out another 15 – used up all available.