Monday, August 13, 1990
Slipped at crest of driveway while taking letters to mailbox – Landed flat on my back – Left elbow swelled immediately & lower bottocks took the brunt of fall.
Drove to Cols & State Fair not knowing whether arm was broken. David got ice from lemonade stand & it took down the orange on my elbow.
Videotaped all 4 kids in clothes Karen made in Style Show in Women’s building. Sarah took my breath away in her fuscia & black moirie formal with spike heels – Hair upswept. Josh non-chalant in his turtle neck & trousers that he will take to France in Oct. The four took about 8 prizes – $75 – and all outfitted for school. David drove my car to Cinci while Haldeman’s – Harvey Meister & Linda & Kaitlin from CA went to Eric’s in Gahanna [actually Reynoldsburg] for dinner. David & I to FoxPro porgram. All got to Haldeman’s about 11:00.