Monday, August 6, 1990
Bricks 4
MCHS corres 2 = 6 hrs
Did 2 loads clothes. Letters to Dorothy Isaly & George thanking for support on book by paying extra $2 for their hardbounds. In to HH where Mary met me & we worked on brick.dbf until 5:00. Then she started to my house to cook sweet corn while I copied map for Biological Survey & King letter. When I left building I forgot my purse – Had to call Dick West from Tuffy’s Car Service across street to come back to let me in. Had to wait while he ate supper. So Mary wondering why it took me 45 minutes to get home.
Had corn, Wendy’s baconburger & bean salad. Then we worked on bricks.dbf for about an hour.
Watched – Hiroshima-Out of the Ashes on TV – From Japanese perspective – chilling.