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Trella Hemmerly – 1990-07-11

Wednesday, July 11, 1990
Misty Raining
Richard Mosely, Jr. & Guy Denny of Dept of Natural Resources arrived from Cols shortly after David arrived from Cincinnati. First walked to E edge of Terradise & Dick spotted & identified lysamachia ciliata – Loosestrife – also found it across river. He also identified all my transplanted maple tress as black maple. Seedlings came from a tree formerly across road near where Martha Neville now lives.*
After walking to the wedge** had coffee in the kitchen & discussed possibilities for preserving Terradise. First step will be to apply for Ohio Natural Landmark Status which has no legal implications but alerts to uniqueness of area. Told them I would like to have it become part of OSUM’s Nature Center. They pointed out pitfalls & suggested a reverter clause (to my heirs) in case OSUM doesn’t keep it as Nature Center. They also were surprised that “Stew” hadn’t responded more positively to reiver being considered for Scenic designation. Also visited across river briefly.

[*along Whetstone River Rd N at Center St in Wood Valley Mobile Home Park, formerly a field owned by the Stanley family]
[**a small triangular piece of the property at the far northwest boundarty]