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Trella Hemmerly – 1990-05-28

Monday, May 28, 1990
.3″ rain
Mowed lower & upper lawn as Willis Nye called & said they would like to come out about 4:30. Told him I had to meet David to pick up the soft bound & would try to be back.
Mary drove while I put labels on Bylaws & annual meeting notice mailing. Took most of the 3 hr trip, down & back.
Haldeman’s waiting at Young’s Dairy Barn N of Yellow Springs. All had ice cream & talked – started back about 3:30 after collecting specimen of plant blooming profusely S of Young’s (identified later as lyre-leaf sage) – Poured rain most of the way down & until we got back around Marysville – But Nye’s had come & gone when I got home.