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Trella Hemmerly – 1990-05-23

Wednesday, May 23, 1990
Writing 2 hrs – HH 1 to 5 = 6 hrs
48-65 Partly sunny
Planted a few impatiens & dusty miller. Fertilized around patio – Wrote article about King book for Star tab – Used quotes from the book.
In to HH at 1:00 – People from Texas & Philomena Gregg & her Marietta College Pres. nephew toured building. Mr & Mrs. Baker volunteers out of no where with no training.
Worked with Bowling Green intern Melinda Davies hunting photos for Star tab. Finally found a box of photos & negatives for 1971 history & sorted out some. Took to Star & ran into Anthony Conchel – new editor – So introduced myself & gave him the pix.
Used new at HH word processor to write gift certificate for brick & delivered it to Virginia Myers. First letter on it had it for 6 months.
Picked supper at Wendy’s – Meant to mow but after eating & reading paper just couldn’t get going again.
George Brown in at HH & I told him about costs rise of reprint. He said when all figures are in – let him know – His family may pay more.