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Trella Hemmerly – 1990-05-07

Monday, May 7, 1990
Used [PC] Anywhere with modem to send files to David that didn’t arrive by mail.
Forest group arrived at 10:00 (instead of 11) – Lovely sunny warm day. Toured the lower woods – Trilliums & mertensia & phlox still blooming. Sack lunch on deck supplemented by fruit salad from Kathi’s recipeful from Alaska I decided not to go to Travel series with them. Too nice a day to be coopped up in a theater – In to Sears to get paint when I mailed more copy to David for reprint.
Tabor Allison – 36 yr old professor of botany at OSUM finally made it to Terradise. Spent delightful evening showing him all my treasures. Gave him a list of trees, shrubs & wildflowers growing at Terradise. Drove to abandoned Williamsport Rd area across river – sampled nature books in my library & discussed possibilities of Terradise becoming a part of OHSM’s [OSUM] Nature Center Program. Tabor is not a demonstrative person but he was excited by the possibilities & confessed his first love is forestry.