Wednesday, April 25, 1990
86 sunny no wind
B’fst on deck with David watching dove build nest. Then across river to check on wood duck box for nesting. In water so couldn’t see in it. Met Ralph Boger – he had just found a prehistoric tool [sketch with sharp indicated on one side] grey granite. Walked to river to see how course has changed since 1948.
In to shop and David moved computer to lower level. I had finished prelims for Reprint & corrected index so sent them back with him. He brot clock & modem back out here from Heritage Hall & re-installed in my computer.
Back in to Heritage Hall to host Popcorn Museum – Elderfun group from Presbyterian Church to your & woman with boy in wheelchair. Was too tired to stay for J. Hickson’s steerint committee for Education Division. Bought 430 plants & peat moss at Central Tractor & Bloom builder at Odd Lots.