Tuesday, January 30, 1990
1:00-3:30 – MCHS 3 1/2
3:30-4:30 – Book
11 to 12 – Book
Used PC outline – really great.
Fog so thick couldn’t see houses until got to Marion. And sun shining there.
Re-take of Rod Rupp video presentation by OHS to MCHS at 1:30. Then to Doug Loudenslager’s office to meet with him as Rotary president- Jack & Charlie & Doug Smith of Badescher Communie [sic]. Rotary offering to fund presentation of Marion County History to use at Museum, schools & clubs. Want my input on data to be used by professional writer to script it.
Met Mary for supper at Isaly’s – shopped at Big Bear – $17.
David called about 7:00 – at shop working on payroll. Here about 10- put Optimzer program on my computer, but I have to clean up files before using it.
Worked on creating outline for Chapter 2 until 12.