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Trella Hemmerly – 1989-11-20

Monday, November 20, 1989
Windy 25 miles per hour high 50s low 43°
Highland Carpet man here to repair linoleum where cabinets didn’t fit. Hard job because of three layers of previous linoleum to build up around! but they did a great job.
In about 10:30 to Heritage Hall. Couldn’t get much work done for Jack talking. Installed new phone system with rotary- three phones. Left my car at Young’s for winterizing and went to Burroughs for lunch. Had to leave while Margaret Iams was reversing her slides on Nova Scotia. Donna Wargowski Thomas took me to Heritage Hall for meeting with Ted Myers and George Brown on fundraising. George attacked problems of contacting MCHS members for contributions to purchase post office. I have to update database payments since June.
Jack took me to Young’s to pick up car and met Mary and Geneva at Perkins for supper. Picked up Willis Nye and took him to Huber board meeting. Charlie Evers chair of nominating committee named Mike Deitch as vice president- disaster for Edward Huber Memorial Association in 2 years when he’s president.