Saturday, November 11, 1989
temperature 55° cloudy windy a.m.
To sum it up precisely ‘I lived today- the work has kept quite nicely.’
Steve Smith out about 10:00 with his bill- $1,300 plus $450 for island. Got to chatting about many things including his buying of Bill and Erma Hutchman’s 3 acres on East River Road and in to planting a prairie. So we went to Claridon Prairie to collect seeds for him. Big and little blue stem, sawtooth sunflower, tall coriopsis, gray headed coneflower, liatrus, etc. He didn’t leave until after 12:00
12:00. Took Howard to Reece’s for groceries and got wieners, pop, potato chips for wiener roast down in woods with trailer park kids – Jason, Chad, Nat & Sean. They picked up sticks for the bonfire. I mowed leaves after we ate and they continued to feed fire.
Dee called to see what to do about getting license. I told her to wait until Dave gets back from Sea Duty on November 19th.
Tired. Watched Young Edison on TV and Golden Girls & Empty Nest.