Friday, May 5, 1989
Royce cleaning while I was on phone with Richard Francoviglia- wanted final copy of Articles of Incorporation so took my “redding up” time.
In at 12:00 for Town & Country Garden Club luncheon at Country Club honoring past members. Sat beside Madge Guthery and learned that Stanford Marshall was just a friend but he flies to Marion about once a month to visit her. She admitted they had been in love years ago long before she married Howard.
Stopped at Howison & Howard and Virginia showed me how to rehang the draped curtains in my bedroom. Took list of MCHS members and their contributions up to George Brown and caught him just getting into his car.
Mrs. Southard from Dogwood Valley brought me a box of plants she thought was liatrus from my pictures shown at Mount Gilead Nature Club but they have serrated edges – liatrus is entire.
Weeded garlic mustard out of daffodil and wildflower plantings and transplanted clumps of daffs out of Wildflower area.