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Trella Hemmerly – 1989-04-04

Tuesday, April 4, 1989
Song sparrow, Crow 1.6 in rain. Flooding across river again- most of lowland on this side flooded but not between house and river.
Fixed a box with a towel in it for Duffy to lay in but he dragged himself out onto the floor. drank a little water, but lay all day with his eyes open, giving a croaking noise occasionally.
Wrote to Dave and Kathi. Corrected Uncle Will’s notes (my typing not his spelling)
River flooding whole woods to edge of pond when I went in to Marion at 2:00 to get teeth cleaned at Dr. Clarens- $25. Picked up power of attorney at Clerk of Courts title office and at register of motor Vehicles for the transfer and mailed everything to Dave with instructions. Back home to pick up projector and slides and dress for talk tonight. Met Mary at Isaly’s for her birthday supper. Took a basket of potpourri and rose to renew scent for her gift.
At 7:00 joined University Women in Isaly’s back room and talked on Marion County prairies using
1819 surveyors notes and slides of Prairie plants. Well received.
Home at 10:00. Duffy had climbed back into the box I had fixed for him.