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Trella Hemmerly – 1989-02-18

Saturday, February 18, 1989
Called David to check out airline prices to have Dave & Dee fly home. Found military was best but it still would be over $1000 so I called them at their new apt in Vallejo & told them i didn’t want to spend that much. They had spent yesterday with William Clements – friend from Sierra Club backpacking days. He’s Sr. at Santa Cruz COllege & has cabin in hills where he lives.
In to Judge Myers’ lecture. Tom Wagner) Kennedy setting up to tape lecture but no sign of Dick West for video. Charlton played tapes of Salt Rock Marching & Historical Society for 1/2 hrs & reviewed for another 15 min, so only got up to canal period.

Mary & I went to Kiwanis Pancake supper to eat.