Saturday, April 28, 1984
Took Dave to Dick Cooper’s at 7:00 to go to canoe School in Knox county.
Up at 6:00 to go to Hillsboro for Region 8 OAHSM meeting. Nice town to get acquainted with and lovely people. Only about 25. Toured their 1832 Courthouse that is same Greek Revival style as Marion’s 1833 Courthouse. Charlton Meyers, Probate Judge here in 40s. Judge Hottle Common Pleas judge did much to save interior. Had program after chicken lunch. Jim Strider and Chuck B not there- at Maumee attending Ohio Historical Society board meeting.
Mary and Ken back from Florida.
Dave home about 8:00 all excited about canoeing, hiking etc. going back tomorrow. Cooper’s came home to feed dog.