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Ivaloo Sheneman Hemmerly – 1921-05-21

[Letter from E.M.Sheneman to Ray Hemmerly about Bina Dunn’s marital problems-transcribed by Trella Romine]

Sunday, May 1, 1921

Now I do not know what I may say before I finish this.

Ray does not know as much what has been writen by Jack as Jim and May does, so a few lines to Ray first.

Jack has sold Bina’s good, good nice home since she has been here says for $3,000. There was a mortgage on it but not pushing it. Jack has sent the contract to Bina to sign and she has not signed it yet, and his orders was not to let anybody persuade her not to sign it as he did not want any bink [sic] about it. A letter from him Friday. He was looking for his contract back. How do you expect he will feel and do when he does not get it. Now Ray, another thing you do not know that May does also Jim and that is he has threatened to come out here and take Johnie away from her and take him home with him, then she says her last hope is gone. Ray, much more I could tell you. He had promised her no home, no anything. Now I want to say to all three of you, we expect him to be BULL MAD when he finds out she has not signed the contract (if it was you would you sign your intrest in it wouthout any promise ahead?)

Now under these circumstances we do not know but Jack might pop in on us anytime and might accomplish what he has threatened Bina with here-to-fore. And as we have no protection and so far from town out here what could we do. She would like to be in Marion so if he did come there would be police, etc to call on if any serious thing would occur. She is afraid out here. And Ma and I are not much short of that, for Ma has seen him MAD and he did not care what he done.

Bina is complaining today where he has kicked her on the back, and Lillie
has protected her when she has been choked, so now she is afraid of her
life here. I want you to consult together and see what can be done if
anything, as you see we do not feel safe ourselves. We are all feeling
reasonable well in heaalth but not very well in mind under the

Mon. Morning. Things look black here this morning, don’t know what the outcome will be.

Yours in hope.
E. M. Sheneman

[Trella Note:
Bina is daughter of E.M. and Lucy Sheneman and wife of John A. Dunn of
Minneapolis. She had come to her parents home just east of Marysville,
Ohio following domestic problems. Johnie is her retarded son, age 7 at this time. Lillie is her daughter who died on March 2 in Minneapolis . Ray is the husband of Bina’s sister, Ivaloo. Jim and May are older brother and sister of Bina. Following all this Bina chose to use her middle name and after her divorce from Jack she became known as Theresa Sheneman. Allen Sheneman of Santa Ana, CA. her brother, has (rest illegible)]