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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-10

Tuesday, January 10, 1984
In to Glora Marshall’s for 1/2 hr & then to Home Federal to get bank book updated & mother’s interest straightened out. Stoppe at shop & David had Norma entering accounts payable on Osborne for a test run. Had the W-2’s run on computer & ready to mail.

Felt lousy with cold I’ve been fighting for a week. Home & checked interest statements received from Home Federal. Dave kicked screen door after it stuck & he got it open. Then bawled me out because it stuck. Apologized later. Not to Altrusa – felt too bad.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-09

Monday, January 9, 1984
To Columbus for 10:00 AM meeting of Board of OAHSM – Presented Awards Program for 1984 prepared with Jim Strider’s help. Back to Marion by 3:30 – Bought bottom sheets at Penney’s. To shop where David was working on Accounts Payable program on computer. Picked up pizza & took home for supper. Worked on Bird Count program & then David went with me to board meeting of Marion Area Genealogy Society where Marion Co. Cemetery book was being planned. Brought home Big Island Twp records & Dave Cheney notes. David says he will write a program in Dbase II so we won’t have to learn Word Star to type it.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-08

Sunday, January 8, 1984
In to Center at 11:30 stopping at Zoa Pixler’s to pick up an ostrich fan C-1910 used when Cmarion Clubs Federated. Dropped bird count off at Jim Hills. About 40 came to Twelfth Night – Marguerite Martin played for carols, Gary Barnhart made presentation of Geneva Switzers furniture – including piano. Dick Bryson was conspicuosly absent. No one had hear a word from him. Took Christmas tree & decorations down. Picked up bag of leaves and hauled them to garden across road. Dave too busy watching TV to help. Patch 2 pr jeans. He did his laundry.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-07

Saturday, January 7, 1984
Told Dave no allowance if he didn’t clean room – Hadn’t been for a month so he got right at it!

In town at 11:00 to the shop. Kass & Norma working. Norma has Nov. report ready for accountant & a tentative check book balance for Dec 31 – about $2,000. Deposits so messed up almost impossible to straighten out. Got Oct. statement from accountant – $6,000 deficit for first 4 months – July-Oct. To May’s to finish paying for Kathi’s ring = $355 total. Pendant was $49 + gold from wedding rigns – 20″ chain $58 – diamond in Mother’s platinum setting $275 sizing peridot $12.50. Mary & I went to 229 E. Fairground to get rent – nop one home & no storm windows on. Then to MCHS Center & cleaned sidewalk of ice. Grocery shopping & back to Hemmerly’s to mee Bill Schertzer of Genealogy Society to copy treas records for non-profit application. Sphaghetti for supper.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-05

Thursday, January 5, 1984
Used the computer Bird Count program & found a few bugs in it. Tried to contact Jim Hill with my report – 24 species 1009 individuals.

Announcement of MCHS Twelfth Night Open House Sunday in Star tonight that I put in – but still haven’t hear drom Dick Bryson – Doesn’t return my calls! Talked to Gary Barnhart, Irma Campbell & Marge Brandt who will help.

11:00 PM news from Columbus had news that Tecumseh will close later this year – 600 still employed down from 2,000. Good thing Mary is retired.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-04

Wednesday, January 4, 1984
Undecorated the house & C’mas tree. Did a little reorganizing in the attic – found the account Ray & I wrote of our wedding trip! Dave helped me burn the discards from the attic & then moved the Christmas Tree across the road and planted it in the hole we dug for it before ground froze. Made omelet & bacon for dinner.

To genealogy meeting – will be chairman of the Cemetery Records publication of Midlam research. Also got job of getting non profit status for group. Dr. Bratt on computers & genealogy. Pretty general – not much genealogy. Dave & Chris rearranged rec room.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-03

Tuesday, January 3, 1984
David did payroll on computer starting about 7:45 finishing at 9:30. Then called Kass & Cheryl Knapp in & asked for Cheryl’s resignation. She refused as David told her we could no longer employ her as her work was unsatisfactory. Her astonishment would have been amusing except for the disservice she has done Hammerly’s. Norma Ekeberry stepped right in & had the desk sorted out by evening. I spent the day trying to get a balance on check book. Nov. reports not given to accountant yet. Norma was a comfort to all of us.l

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-02

Monday, January 2, 1984
Bought 4 All Season tires at Sears. $300 + $25 balancing.

Picked Bill Hutchman up at 8:30 & again headed to Area 5 – North part. Picked up 5 more species. Total 23 – Stopped at Loren Starner’s & Dick Johnson’s – got 25 lb sunflower seed. Back to shop at 12:15 & David didn’t have a key to get in so lost morning’s work. He worked on accounts payable program all afternoon. Fixed pork & sauerkraut for supper – Again worked on bird count programs. “Bug” about totals.