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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-28

Saturday, January 28, 1984
20 to 38
Finished the planting plan for Marion Historical Center & got letter & plant list ready to send to Betty Hubbard for suggestions. Worked on cemetery records. Letter from Kathi saying she’s glad Norma is doing a good job. Sent $50 toward Dave’s backpacking trip. Mary called about 8:00 PM. Had sandstorms in Death Valley. Stayed at Steamboat Springs – Thursday night & Hawthorne Friday night.

Carroll Elsey called & wanted to drop off Ray’s poems. I told him I was working so drop them off at the shop.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-27

Friday, January 27, 1984
Royce to clean-
Worked on report for MCHS on Jim Thorpe book – Our possible profit of $3,500 if 2,000 books sold.
Carroll Elsey out at 2:30. Talk-Talk-Talk. Showed me his scrapbook – Life Lift Shoes – Electro Therapy – cars – story of 2 marriages & their breakups – now he wants me to pull his life together – selected me because of my accomplishments, high plane of living, etc. (didn’t mention my money) wants to treat me like “Miss America”. Took him & Dave to Jerry’s in Galion for dinner & then listened to his gibberish for another hour. Gave him some of Ray’s poems.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-26

Thursday, January 26, 1984
To Mt. Gilead at 2:00 to meet Dr. Robert Whitman, his wife Carol & Steve White. Steve had figures on publishing book – 2,000 copies $5,800 ($2.90 each) – Steve says pre-publication sales should be 1,000! Whitman & MCHS should each make $3,500.

At 8:00 Richard Carey, Charlton & Ruth Myers & the Whitmans decided to sign contract with Hubbard publishing – will need $200 from each “angel” now. Dr. Whitman took to Dave & Dave to him.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-25

Wednesday, January 25, 1984
Low 32 High 40
Up to 40 & the 2″ ice on driveway was shovelable for first time since early Dec. I worked on it twice – total 30 minutes so asked Dave to finish it for guests tomorrw night. Absolutely refused & stomped out but later worked on it. When I asked him to help me load chairs & table for the shop his answer was “What do you want me to do – Shovel the ice or load the car?” – very nasty tone. So I loaded. Took wallpaper books to House of Design – will get beige suede look paper for living room. To Beaver Office Products to buy Olympia Electronic Compact typewriter $600 Secy Chair $90!!

To Calligraphy Class at Harding. No ink so no work.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-01-24

Tuesday, January 24, 1984
Roads ice covered so no school. Dave went over to Chris’s until 1:00 – I worked on cemetery reocrds with program changes. Took Dave & Chris in town for Dave to take his driver’s license written test. Passed with an 85. He stayed with Chris at Chris’ grandmothers. I went to Gloria Marshall’s – shopped at Big Bear. Once I got home just didn’t want to go out for Altrusa.