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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-07-14

Saturday July 14, 1984
Woke at 9:00 and took car into Chad Hero’s garage to get my window fixed. Spent the time waiting at the shop- wrote letters and entered Salem Cemetery on computer. Car ready about 2:30. Home and relaxed. About 4:00 Virgil Hinamon brought the pump house out in truck. Mary and Kenny came to supervise placing and measure for a mailbox-paper boxes house. Paid him $100- $52 for materials. Beginning to unwind just sat and read.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-07-13

Friday, July 13, 1984
Gave Mary $32 for two trips to Fremont and $14 for film. Finished the general index at 3:30 a.m. and left it on table for Howard to proofread. Only found two mistakes. Up at 8:00 and called Royce not to clean as house needs picked up and I won’t be here. Then found no water pressure and pump not working. Took index and headed for Mary’s. She drove her car as my window won’t wind up. Ken went too. To Lesher’s by 11:15 and John says he can get the 700 entries on two pages. Ate at Clyde at Winesburg Inn. Got cherries. Home by 3:30 and to bed and slept until 6:00. So tired. Walked around Terradise- Dry again. Howard mowed part of new grass by garage.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-07-12

Thursday, July 12, 1984
Up at 8:30. Called David and he told me to print out dBase file and use it to create a WordStar file for illustration index. Stupidly did it in non-document mode and couldn’t print it so had to do it again. Took to shop to print camera ready and send it by mail to Fremont. Also did invitations for Hemmerly’s 50th anniversary party and minutes of shareholders meeting and left on Kass’s desk. Kathi called Dave is with snobs from Bay Area. Kristy got home from Germany yesterday.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-07-11

Wednesday, July 11, 1984
To Fremont by 9:30 met John- layout man. Took corrected contents and Judge Russo pictures to change. Several decisions got copy reduced to 64 pages total. Have to have index to them by Friday a.m. Refused Mrs. Cools offer to take me to lunch so could come home and get index done. Created file in dBase2 as it would be it would take too long to learn StarIndex. Now to figure how to print it out. In at 5:30 to mail material.

Carol Conrad called- will be moving from Merchant August 1st