Sunday, August 19, 1984
[No entry]
Author: Trella Hemmerly Haldeman Romine
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-18
Saturday, August 18, 1984
[No entry]
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-17
Friday, August 17, 1984
Kathi called at 9:30 a.m. They got home last night. Received Western Wildflower seed from her in mail. Wrote thank you note for trip on my new Executive*. Dave dug holes for new mailbox house and for his canoe props. Read entries for awards program. So many good ones didn’t get award, especially Roush’s “Unknown Settlement” about Little Hocking where Benoni Hurlbut was killed by Indians. Must get acquainted with him. Picked first ripe tomatoes.
[* Osborne Executive computer – newer model]
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-16
Thursday, August 16, 1984
David and family headed for Northern Michigan in Mary and Ken’s van at 4:00 p.m.
Tto Columbus at 10:45 to sign Awards letters in Jim Strider’s office for OAHSM. 26 awards given for 85 entries. I wrote notes on a few and underlined time of ceremony on program being sent. To library about 2:00 and found Thomas Bickel in 1820 census. Just a few lines above Henry Sheneman. Right age to be Julia Ann’s father not her brother. So now I have another two first family ancestors. Hope I can find their graves. Lived on border of Mechanics and German Township in Tuscarawas County probably now Holmes county.*
[* Mechanics Twp is just south of Millersburg, Ohio so this does not place it in Tuscarawas County. German Twp is in Harrison County.]
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-15
Wednesday, August 15, 1984
David brought Fleeting Moments Orchestra arrangements for eight piece but violins a flop.
Chris Everhart sent champagne.
Karen, kids and Dave off to Ohio State Fair at 7:00 for kid’s style show. David installed Executive program on my discs and gave me some instructions. I bought about $50 worth of stuff- books, discs, cover, templates he brought up. Gave him $100 plus $20 for it and vacation. To shop at 11:00 and began setting up more displays. At 4:30 David ____ and Penny Rose met me to give me a clock and pin set inscribed from Holbrook Manter for anniversary. Party at big success- tent up for cake and displays, free glads, pencils, balloons, ice cream and cake. Sold glads for $3 a dozen. Baker’s from Forest and Lima came. Everyone enjoyed mother’s records from 1956 on.
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-14
Tuesday, August 14, 1984
Hunted up mother’s daily cash records in attic. They were in the box we found in her attic along with letters that I stored in it. Made posters with like things grouped- pictures- payroll records- statements- our invoices etc.
Into shop at 6:00 to meet David and family. David stayed there for orchestra rehearsal for tomorrow night and rest of us came home along with “Wisper”- eight weeks old black mostly and white kitten David got at the Blue Wisp where he plays.* Karen pressed the 12 outfits she has ready for the kids to model tomorrow.
[* The Blue Wisp Big Band under John Von Ohlen]
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-13
Monday, August 13, 1984
Into Courthouse with almost $100 from shop. Mostly book sales. Called Bob Whitman to tell him about visit to Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. He hadn’t heard from Agnes McCartney with any proceeds from sales. Picked up May report at shop. Shows over $8,000 profit for a year to date. Kass [Mattimore] is doing a good job and Patty [Winn] is really bringing the wedding business back.
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-12
Sunday, August 12, 1984
Really lazy all day. Even Dave didn’t go to church. Just enjoyed the begonias, ageratum, impatiens, marigolds and petunias blooming so profusely.
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-11
Saturday, August 11, 1984
Up at 9:00 called Bea Uncapher Wagner at Swiss Chalet up for her 50th reunion and made plans to pick her and Phil up at 3:30. Unpacked and washed clothes. Cut back cucumber and squash Vines 2 1/2″ rain while I was gone and things really green.
Met Bea and Phil and took them to Historical Center and Quarry Street cemetery and drove through Chateau Ridge. Not enough time. Ate with Mary and Ken shopped, picked up my computer at shop. Drove by prairie* and found Greg Hunt collecting leaf hoppers. Came over here and walked around. Watched Olympic divers.
[*Claridon Prairie east of SR 98 along railroad]
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-10
Friday, August 10, 1984 [travelling home from trip east]
[No entry]