Wednesday, August 29, 1984
Dave is teaching himself to play guitar – one string at a time.
Author: Trella Hemmerly Haldeman Romine
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-28
Tuesday, August 28, 1984
Mary and I to Columbus. She looked at Museum displays while I attended publication committee meeting of OAHSM. Decided to let new education employees edit newsletter starting next year. Mary and I had lunch at Mark Pi’s Chinese and then went to Alum Creek Nursing home to visit Floy Morris. She was so glad to see us. Took her out on lawn. Spent about 1 hour with her. Home about 5:00
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-27
Monday, August 27, 1984
Dave is a junior! Taking Industrial Tech III, drafting I, English 3A, American History, Biology and Plane Geometry. Ouka, exchange student from Germany in his drafting class so now he’s studying German on his own.
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-26
Sunday, August 26, 1984
[No entry]
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-25
Saturday, August 25, 1984
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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-24
Friday, August 24, 1984
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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-23
Thursday, August 23, 1984
[No entry]
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-22
Wednesday, August 22, 1984
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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-21
Tuesday, August 21, 1984
Mrs Dorothy Fogle brought newspapers to Center -1861 to 1895 Marion Star.
Took about $100 to John Foster for Courthouse Centennial Sales. Mostly books and picked another box of books to sell. To shop to help interview people for Mary Waggles salesperson shop. Hired Judy Redding formerly at Suttons. Sent letter to donors of gifts for our 50th anniversary and letters to all employees. Home to find Mary and Ken had finished putting up mailbox and newspapers holder cover. Sure looks better. Dave back with me for kids prayer service at Trinity. Dick Bryson didn’t show up for board meeting. Norm Vogt valiantly turned down Russell Weston’s puzzle project.
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-20
Monday, August 20, 1984
[No entry]