Wednesday, October 21, 2009
69° sunny
Relative humidity 33% perfect weather.
Jim O’dell found a loose phone connection I had overlooked on bottom of phone by my bed. He took down curtains and I washed and dried for Jim Carpenter to put up when he drove out in his new Old’s 1992 automobile.
Jim O’Dell put in storm windows. $117.
Jim Carpenter cut Morning Glory vines off three trellises and the perfusion of New England Asters by Ohio Natural Areas marker. Scattered the seed heads across the road. I scattered Butterfly Milkweed and chaff from other plants’ seed. Also the Liatris scoriosa and the white mallow. Jim dug the senna [?] roots and removed pump from the pool. To attic and removed some trash. He left at 4:15 $40
Sent to James Stevens at Marion Star- ‘Ham and Bean Dinner’ & story on antiques appraisal.
David H has lost his Canon OES $400 camera. Hope he finds it like Jim Carpenter did his. Has left it someplace- (pawn shop?)*
[*probably lost at Mt. Washington Cemetery during filling of Maintenance building basement -DJH]