Wednesday, August 12, 2009
82 sunny
Felt much better after a good night’s sleep.
Glen& Melissa picked up Jim Carpenter in Hemmerly’s parking lot – his transportation to Terradise. Showed Glaen & Melissa the new hardscaping – Jim weeded. Signed the VA papers to have their $500 rent paid to me.
Hauled load of weeds & dumped in former wood pile. When I came back across road Ranny Williams had pulled in. Had great chat – Sat in gazebo & on patio while Jim weeded.
After he left Jim planted the coleus cuttings in bed beside step to river. Need more topsoil in there. Cleared grass & weeds from that corner. Then tackled the vegetation under the rail fence east of mail box. Another full load to burning pile.
Email from David – will be up tomorrow evening after gig at Cactus Pwear for overnight & to attend Erma’s funeral.
Nice note from Gary Iams thanking for my hospitality.