Friday, August 7, 2009
Gary Iams brough Emily Meyer – student co-ordinator of OSUM prairie. Thought she should meet you and see Terradise & the Preserve. So I cleaned up the golf cart and gave them a tour down in the woods & prairie across the road. Then we drove to Preserve. Gary estimates the hackberry tree that was cut was between 150 & 200 years old. Here only an hour but I gave Emily at lot of Terradise & Prairie history. Gary told her the Campus Prairie would not have existed if I hadn’t shown Larry Yoder the RR Prairie (Claridon Prairie) and that I saved it with my givt of $5,000 when Dean Hazard was going to plow it under & rent to plant corn.
Did a watering of all the pots – So handy to have the hydro hose winder.
Took a nap – Then mowed upper lawns before supper & TV.