Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Big Shots from Johnson Property Services – Eric? – to inspect work – Jim Carpenter persuaded them to cover gravel – I had picked him up at his mother’s house at 1:00 – All timbers laid along patio & backed by gravel to push against bricks.
Jim dug Variegated Solomon’s Seal from around Queen Elizabeth Rose bush & dug shredded banana peel around it. He hung all the aerial views of Terradise in the guest bedroom. He weeded he mailbox bed. Too hot – offered him supper – ‘not hungry’. To Meijer for him to grocery shop & get bananas for me. He pumped gas for Prius $2.35 gal & filled his gas can on my Meijer credit card. Took him home by 6:30 & to HH. So tired I couldn’t participate and couldn’t hear. Picked up 2 bricks to take to Glen Gery to match to complete wall buy east door. Home by 8:15 & Susannah was eating the left over lasagna by the computer.
Gas smell very noticeable – Meant to call company but forgot it. Grass is grown around the hole they marked with yellow flag.