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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-07-14

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
8:30 Danny and Lehner on the job- two dump trucks in driveway. They removed rotted Timbers from steps toward pond and woods and engineered the new timbered steps. Still working when I left at 3:30.
I watered and weeded from 10:00 until 12:00. Nap till 1:00 computer messages from Marion Fraser Loof and Kathi. Sent one to Karen Kelly about Dick Cooper clearing Terradise Nature Preserve parking lot of stumps.
To Dr. Winger at 4:00. Fixed and cleaned hearing aid. Shopped CVS for a cane with strap $20. First one I ever bought. Other gifts or Mary’s–. Cards for Kathi and Karen and hearing aid batteries $50.
To Executive meeting at 4:45. Randy Winland had new computers and monitor. No Nancy so I took secretary notes.
Shopped at Aldi’s- $44. Too tired to carry in the house so Susannah did it when she came about 7:30. Leftovers for supper.