Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Marcella Haldeman’s funeral
David Arrived at 8:30 while I was still in the bathtub. I cleaned up the newly potted rose bush that raccoons got into last night he watered all the combination pots added topsoil to the lantana bed and screwed it in with digger. I swept out the gazebo.
To Bucyrus at Good Hope Lutheran Church at 10:00 a.m. for Marcella Haldeman’s funeral service in the chapel. Good seeing Tricia, Marcia and Lisa and their families. Made us feel a part of them. Closed casket but after service the girls asked the mortician to open it so we could see Marcella. That really touched me and gave me closing.
Sat with Laurie Haldeman at lunch- Sherman and Twila’s daughter. She worked in Marion for the doctor Frederick Smith. Had an Osborne computer and works for a company that scans books for online access.
Talked to Martha Kostenbader- it was with her and Marcella that we toured Germany.
Back home by 2:00 and David did chores until Laurie arrived and we headed for Haldeman Cemetery on State Route 314 south of Steam Corners. I read Sherlock Holmes while David and Laurie hiked back to cemetery- all signs of lane lost.
Stopped at Dave and Marilyn’s on the way home. Susannah arrived. Cut my lettuce crop for supper.