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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-06-10

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Called Robert Gobholtzer, Natural History head of Ohio Historical Society, about visiting lepidoptera collection of Ray Romine. Said it was housed on Hudson Street facility and not as a collection (although letter from director Laidlaw said it was). Bad phone connection so I wrote Gobholtzer a letter- ‘forget my visit’. Couldn’t reach John Peacock to see if he wanted to go with me and Gobholtzer not available [as] of June 26th when I’ll be at a Historical Society for Tiffin award.
Met Robin Cook at Marion Cemetery at 3:00 and visited Rieger graves. Watered geraniums and petunias at foot of Hemmerly marker. With her to visit Verne Babcock on Merkel Avenue- old neighbors of Carl and Esther Rieger. To Bob Evans for supper and then to Terradise. Used city directories for information on former friends of Robin.
Showed her some of the books I’ve been involved in publishing. Sat on deck a while but she wasn’t interested in touring Terradise.
Had Klondikes. Her father Roy Stewart employed in Hanover as salesman for ice cream plant that manufactured them. Only recently Robin knew of his US State Department activities on Nazi searches. visits to Cuba & South America.