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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-06-09

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Dow Jones 8763
Jim Carpenter worked from 9:30 to 1:45-55 weeded and mulched bed by gazebo. we did first and second terrace digging out Bishop’s weed, cutting one and a half inch diameter Elm, pruning hawthorn and Bradford Pear. Filled blue tub four times. Used weed eater at former raised bed across road leaving the asparagus and rhubarb.
Had lunch of leftovers from last night. Answering machine message from Robin Cook and also talked to her by phone. She is in New York state along Lake Erie. Will rent a car and 4-Hour drive to Marion Cemetery and then to Terradise for the night. leave Thursday a.m.
Answering machine call from Rich Bradley and then he called about 4:00 wanted to visit Terradise but told him I had executive committee at 5:00. Jan, Bida, Nancy and I attended. I insisted Gale have salary raise of $300 a year that I would pay to $30,500.
Public Broadcasting fundraising. ‘Depressive mentality’- a meme is an idea in your mind beliefs got from family members that duplicate themselves that we believe as truth- in fact only ideas that replicate like viruses.
Email from Jim- his brakes failed on way home from Terradise. Repair more than pickup is worth, so can’t come to Terradise to work.