Tuesday, June 2, 2009
1 & 1/2 in rain last night Fields flooded Sunny 70°
Dow Jones 8740
Jim Carpenter here from 9:30 to 1:30. pulled the Dame’s Rocket before it could go to seed. Worked on bed by mailbox digging out campanula. Cut the allium balls in seed. Planted Heavenly Blue Morning Glories around tower that he wrapped in chicken wire- only two shoots of the red hibiscus.
Trimmed the Forsythia and Rose Combs along walk to river and rescued Oregon Holly from the euonymous. Transplanted Heavenly Blue Morning Glories to bleeding heart bed and put chicken wire against lattice for them. Finished pruning the wisteria and also the euonymus encroaching on steps.
Planted five cleoma from Sue Harter and cut the Mexican bamboo. Cosmos has terminated but only two leaves. he took the Marigold plants to Heritage Hall to plant in Box by East parking lot.
call to of par. 21,000 investment. so I loaded a reluctant Jesse into the pet carrier with the hatchback full of recyclables and headed to Marion. about 3:45 signed papers, unloaded at Sims Recycling and took Jesse to cancer for feline leukemia and rabies shot.
Mike Lyon living in Stumbo house. Stopped in his ATV. Nice chat. He had a stint inserted.