Monday, May 18, 2009
Mowed upper lawn including first time for new grass. And lower lawn around pond. Up at 7:30 did final review of notes for tonight’s talk to Central Ohio Native Plant Society. Unloaded plants from car and planned to drive car to upper driveway but garage door would not open. Moved table and desk away from front of car and drove tractor and golf cart outside and pulled red cart out thinking I could manouver between post and back out but not enough room.This took an hour! Called Kensel and he offered to pick me up. Changed in 15 minutes before he and Opal arrived. To Heritage Hall and picked up Gale. To the biology building on Kennear Road west OSU campus. Sharon—– in parking lot to get to greet us. Was Gale’s instructor at OSU and a classmate of Mary Hemmerly. I was greeted ‘Hello Trella’ by a stranger. Said he recognized me from picture in Perry Peskin’s book! Good potluck food. Virginia and Jim Wagner came late. Meeting included a business meeting and audience participation before I finally took podium at 8:30. Didn’t need my notes just used chronology in my head. Appreciation of my jokes. Lots of laughter and great applause. Had a question and answer session and more applause.
Gale drove Kensel’s car home because of his cataracts. Home by 10:30.
Received check for $50 for Terradise Nature Preserve.