Saturday, May 16, 2009
Rain 8:30-9:30 Temp 75
After an email from Jim Carpenter saying he would be here at 1:00 instead of 9:30 he appeared at 10:00 after the rain stopped. he planted the rest of the fibrous begonias in bed opposite Greenhouse door. planted three rows of nasturtiums east of lilies in patio bed, and a window box for the side porch railing. divided two hostas and replanted. planted three sickly azaleas from Aldi’s $5.95 near Bell pool. then to bed along lower driveway and sewed Cosmos seed. Doug some weeds. by then his cold was reactivated. took a quick jaunt to Terradise Nature Preserve. logs from Hackberry still in parking lot. signers of logs remarked area is messy. and it is!
early supper. red phone book to see how to contact Embark for lack of connection. Jim had got the connector back and phone is charging. as he was putting away the fancy desk in the wash stand by my bed he offered to trade three Tuesday’s work for 5 of the pieces. I kept one so for two Tuesdays about $80. Carnival Glass Deep Blue opalescent.
Gave Jim a hanging basket of white petunias.