Thursday, May 14, 2009
Rain AM ½ in. Sunny PM 73º
Solved a lot of problems today after I couldn’t find photos to illustrate my conservation projects and I mailed emailed David that he didn’t have to come to Columbus Monday to show them. Emailed Mac Hildreth that I found his sunglasses. Called Dave Matyac with an SOS to move the golf cart. He came over with his jack and lifted it off timber it was stuck on. Took his Lantana plant, put new control on nozzle to adjust water flow.
Took another HH bond to Ohio State Bank. Carolyn Hittenrauch is Bank officer who did the paperwork. $10,000 toward Landscaping by E E Johnson Property Services. Signed contract and mailed it. Shopped at Lowe’s for fertilizer and annuals seeds, potting soil, grass seed, and hose nozzle. To Aldi’s for groceries $36.66. Home and unloaded by 7:00.
called Glenn (Bordeaux) and he will come to work here tomorrow morning.