Friday, April 17, 2009
70º no wind sunny
Lawn Repair
Shawn Cross, John & crew & 5 trucks at Terradise about 9:30 AM – I had dug daffs & iris along fence by road. Decided to remove plugs & thatch instead of all the sod. They brought 3 tons of topsoil to fill the low spots – cleared the walk to gazebo and filled with pea gravel. Seeded, filled spots with Ky Blue Grass, fescue & rye. Finished the ramp by the greenhouse & replied the railroad ties to hold the bank temporarily.
I had created news release for Columbus Dispatch ready to mnail when I took more rummage to HH – couldn’t find it in car (Had slipped down between the seats where I found it too late to mail at Caledonia). Called all the Trustees of HPEF to remind of meeting Monday.