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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-05-24

Friday, May 24, 1991
.7 in rain
Set out salvia & dwarf snaps in patio bed to S – Checked cardinal flower by pond that Bob Harter had given me & raccoon had dug it out! Planted kettle on patio & moved more plants out of greenhouse. Just finished watering when a thunderstorm came up. .7 rain really needed.
Wrote checks to pay bills including the Aqua Air Freshener with the $10 delivery charges ($427 total) when David brought it up to me!
Bath & short nap before 2 Marys picked me up to go to Al’s ion Cardington for supper. Bought cantaloupe seeds to plant tomorrow.
Jym Ganal says this is the warmest May on record +8.4 degrees above normal & not since 1911 – my whole lifetime has it been near this warm in May.