Thursday, December 26, 1991
MCHS 9 hrs Brick certificates
Photos at Kroger’s after Mary & I had dinner at Isalys.
FInished entering the corrections – then called David & he set up the new file by filtering out the True for p[rint. I tried in out on Ventura & it works.
Wrote up the news release for the Star on dedication of bricks & took it in. At Heritage Hall laid out the postal area for bricks we have & with Mary’s help have them lined up for Todd to lay Monday.
Watched TV & worked crossword puzzle to unwind. Wilda Fulton called to check on Howard as she is called friend of Alice’s in Cape Coral, FL and wanted to report. Alices’s money from her house about gone. (and her mother’s house!)
Called Helen Sheneman. Aunt Ruth in hospital for 2 weeks. Her lower leg swollen with infection & that is better, but lungs & colon infected. Helen sounds so discouraged. She seemed to have same kind of infection that I had in Nov.