Wednesday, December 25, 1991
26-38 cloudy
MCHS 10hrs brick certificates
Dave called & talked over ½ hr – his C’mas gift to me – thinking of refinancing their house to take advantage of lower interest rates – or getting a line of credit (loan) to pay off credit cards – Dee not living at home, but has a new & better job. 40 hrs week – 9 to 5 at Commissary at Naval Hospital. She is ‘mixed up’ & needs time to herself -0 He enjoyed my C’mas box.
Kathi called to thank me for their gifts. Thanks the video taper (for slides & movies) might be difficult to work.
That was my Christmas Day celebration. Worked all day on Certificates for brick purchasers. Finished signing the 800 letters & sorted the certificates for ones that needed correcting.
Started reentering them & set up a Print field so they can be filtered & print only them.
Gave Howard 10 crossword puzzles & a large boxe of shortbread cookies.