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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-12-18

Wednesday, December 18, 1991
32 AM – 17 11:00 PM
Printed and sent about 120 Christmass Letters without the carol sing invitation. Took them to Caledonia to mail. Then to UPS at 11:45 but their holiday hours are 12:”00 to 6 so went on in to Sears to get more towels for David’s family. Also got him sweat shirt jacket. Had chili lunch at Wendy’s – To SuperX – got 10 crossword puzzle books for Howard. To Kroger & bought 2 Ameriflora passes – for Mary & me for Christmas. Grocery shopped for weekend – Back to UPS – 3 boxes cost almost $20 – not sure they’re worth it (arrived reno on Monday)
Back home & made a door swag for Martha Neveill from Terradise white pine & cones, foxtail, read bow & silk holly on a slab of white oak bark – like I sent to Dee & Dave & Kathi. Took it over to her – She’s scheduled for hip replacement in January. Park has only 10 lb water pressure – only a trickle during peak times.
David called for Uncle Allen’s address – wants to send him a card. Told him about July 16 check for $100 for FoxPro made out to Terradise Computer Systems – told him to use it for Terradise Computer Systems investment! – And ordered FoxPro through channels.